Rail Grinding>Rail Head Profile Grinding Machine 13.48

•For true-to-form grinding of the rail head suchas welding joints, build-up welds and deburringof flat-bottomed rails
•The special configuration of the rail guidingrollers allow true-to-form grinding of the rail
•Only the grinding equipment is swivelled –not the entire machine
•Light-weight and ergonomic operation for allgrinding tasks
•The operator has a full view on the grindingsurface
•The grinding wheel feed is accomplishedby means of an electric, free-from-playadjustment device
•The machine is equipped with a runninggear with an insulated outrigger
•Easy mobility as a result of the roller-bearingrollers
•Simple changing of the grinding wheel
•Grinding wheel Ø 125 mm or Ø 150 mm
with M20 central nut attachment
•Tool set
•Grinding wheels with M20 central nut attachment for Ø:
90 mm cylindric or conical
•Grinding wheels with 4xM8 bolt attachment for Ø:
125, 150 mm, cylindric
Drive 4-stroke petrol engine electric motor
Rotary current
Type Honda GX 200 400 V, 50 Hz
Output 4.9 kW 2.7 kW
at 3800 rpm at 2850 rpm
Power Transmission directly via right angle via V-belts
gearbox and V-belts
Grinding wheel with M20
central nut attachment
Outer diameter 125 mm (optionally 150 mm)
max. permitted
circumferential speed 50 m/s
Speed of grinding wheel 4700 rpm 4500 rpm
Grinding base / roller distance 1000 mm
Dimensions L / W / H 1500 / 450 / 750 mm
Total weight (without outrigger) 93 kg 80 kg