Rail Grinding>Rail Head Grinding

Machine for grinding welded joints and running
surfaces as well as running surfaces built-up
by welding
The ultra-high-performance machine can be opera-
ted by one operator and can be moved easily on
the rollers equipped with roller bearings
The cranked frame offers a full view of the surface
to be ground
The machine is pulled toward the rail by the guide
disks during grinding of the rail head, thus producing
the necessary grinding pressure
Grinding of build-up welds in the area of the
switches and frog points by means of the grinding
base extension arm
Free-from-play grinding wheel
feed by means of handwheel
including limitation of grinding
Machine slewable at 90° angle
Grinding wheel Ø 125 mm
with M20 central-nut
Tool set
Guiding handle, elevated 100 mm, vibration-reducing design
Collapsible spark-protection hood
Grinding base extension arm
Multiroller carriage for grinding corrugations
Steel-wire brush for removing rust from the rails
Insulated outrigger
Transport and storage box
Switch cup grinding wheel Ø 90 mm with M20 central-nut
Grinding equipment for crane rails, grinding wheel
Ø 150 mm with M20 central-nut attachment
Hub flange for grinding wheels with 4 threaded inserts M8
Grinding wheel Ø 125 mm with 4xM8 bolt attachment
Grinding wheel Ø 150 mm with 4xM8 bolt attachment