Rail Stressing/Pulling>Gauge Bar 24.06
2016-11-22 17:40 Click:times
Gauge Bar 24.06

For setting the required track gauge
24.06/1 Gauge Bar
Easy to install to base of rail
When installed, adjustment possible via threaded spindle
Insulated from rail to rail
For rails with a base width of 125 mm to 150 mm
(e.g. S49/54 and UIC 60)
Track gauge 1435 mm
24.06/2 Gauge Bar
Not insulated from rail to rail
Installation by screwing on to both ripped plates TAG:

For setting the required track gauge
24.06/1 Gauge Bar
Easy to install to base of rail
When installed, adjustment possible via threaded spindle
Insulated from rail to rail
For rails with a base width of 125 mm to 150 mm
(e.g. S49/54 and UIC 60)
Track gauge 1435 mm
24.06/2 Gauge Bar
Not insulated from rail to rail
Installation by screwing on to both ripped plates TAG: