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DF8B board key switch group S450B-B/10 bit.

2018-09-27 16:12      Click£ºtimes
* Railway button switch PST3-9/7, speed switch S826a, speed switch S804b, electromagnetic contactor S156, S157, S158, S140 series.
The locomotive driver controller KS6D, KS6E, KS soil 3, TKS9, TKSl0 and other power and internal combustion series.
CKl, CK7, CK7F, T705, CK3, 4Q2A and other electrical contactor series.
Four types of valves, no load valves, round valves, whistling sand valves, and electric valves.
S14l electromagnetic relay, earth relay, pressure relay, differential relay, overcurrent relay, time relay, idling relay, general relay and other relay series.
• switch relationship between transfer switch, button switch, key switch, knife switch, foot switch and pressure switch.
PRS series protective devices.
CK7, CK7F, CKl, CK3 (4Q1), switching switch (3QTB), T705 (4Q5), 4Q4 combined contactor, commutator and other main contacts, S307g main contacts, arc extinguishing cover for each contactor, auxiliary contacts, contact components, S307g arc extinguishing cover and other accessories.
Locomotive motor brush holder and assembly, locomotive motor brush rod series, locomotive motor brush box series.
• relief train parts.
DF8B board key switch group S450B-B/10 bit.
DF8B board key switch group S451B-B/4 bit.
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DF8B knob switch PST9/7 (T).
DF8B knob switch PS520/19 (I).
DF8B knob switch LS33/3P5X2 (I).
DF8B knob switch LS33/3P5X2 (0).
DF8B knob switch (flat head blue) S403-B-B2/2.
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