YJ177A AC main generator motor
2016-11-06 07:28 Click£ºtimes
Product name | Product technical standards and values | Product model | Classification of the genus | Product picture | Detailed product description |
Traction main generator | Rated power£ºmain 1646kW Auxiliary 171kW Rated voltage£ºMain 1500V Auxiliary 500V Rated current£º Main 333.5×2A Auxiliary 207A Rated speed£º1800r/min Rated frequency£º120Hz Rated efficiency£º95% Power factor£º0.95 Insulation class£ºH Mass£º3550Kg | YJ177A | mingning | YJ177A brushless synchronous main & auxiliary generator is used for AC transmission system of 240t mining self-discharging truck. The main and the auxiliary adopted the same center of core, and their winding group are independent each other in same slot. After rectification and contravariant,the main windings supply power for AC driving system the auxiliary windings supply power for main fan and braking unit. |
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