HB-1 9 bit
2021-11-01 15:07 Click£ºtimes
electric capacity | PMK125K 12A 1.2μF 1200VDC |
inverter capacitance | SRD-850-18-FS 18UF±10£¥ |
IGBT module | 3MBI100S-120 100A 1200V |
electric capacity | AKMJ18μF ±5£¥ Un=500VAC -40¡æ-+85¡æ |
sinusoidal filter capacitance | AKMJ-3×20μF AC450V ±5% |
Emergency power button | TSA/S10 |
Emergency power cut cover | Φ54×2 |
Emergency power button seat | Φ75×22 |
bell | The UC4-50 24V bell disc diameter is 50mm |
bell | The UC4-75 48V bell disc diameter is 75mm |
bell | The UC4-75 AC220V bell plate passes through 75mm |
bell button | 55×55 |
Electric bell button micro-switch | 3A-125V |
The electric bell button is composed | Φ64×14.5 |
Electric bell button seat pad | Φ70×30 |
Electric bell switch | 8686 With the identification |
Call button | Φ18 |
annunciator | HB-1 9 bit |
Soft sleeper call | The 25th T DC48V 11 bit |
Soft sleeper call | BXHS4 150×900 |
Soft sleeper call | FZ-2 9 bit |
Soft sleeper call | HHQ-4 9 bit |
Smart Call | HT-¢òB with toilets and guest rooms |
Smart Call | HT-¢òC DC110V 30mA |
Smart Call | ZSY-II |
volume adjuster | V-3A-1 |
volume adjuster | 130×60×55 48V |
volume adjuster | Type 25 soft lie |
volume adjuster | 8585 Four gear |
volume adjuster | 86×86 |
volume adjuster | Bian |
volume adjuster | Band potential |
Volume regulator composition | 25T-DYS |
Voice caller | SY-4B |
Voice caller | BXHS4G DC110V |
Voice caller | BXM-2 48V |
Voice caller | FZ-III |
Voice caller | HT-¢ñ |
Round bell button | |
The private room calls the button | BSP |
resistanc wire | L=410mm 75mΩ |
resistanc wire | L=600mm 75mΩ |
ground lead | 12×450 |
ground lead | 800mm |
Flat ground line | L=800mm |
Flat ground line | 12×600 |
Inverter grounding line | Φ2.5×600mm |
Toilet display | 20090 Six words 48V |
Toilet display | 285,105 Five words |
Toilet display | 370120 Seven words |
- ÉÏһƪ£ºDSE160-06A
- ÏÂһƪ£ºWAGO-734