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2021-11-08 17:08      Click:times
Air compressor oil filter maintenance package GA45+P-7.5 / GA45VSD
oil and gas separator GA45+P-7.5 / GA46VSD
dryer front filter SFF-120PSQR
dryer front precision filter element SFF-121PSQR ATPKP2901205202
Rear filter element of the dryer SFF-122PSQR
Locomotive fixed transparent hose for sand equipment DN10×3 mm 12Bar
The locomotive is fixed to the sand gun D=35
Sand gun black hose Internal diameter of 38mm 7mm working pressure is 10Bar
Stone DN80 Φ957.0 HX locomotive for sand special
Type V pipe parts DN80Φ88.9×4.0-2194.5 HX locomotive for sand use
There are three types of human characters DN80 Φ957.0 2 # HX locomotive for sand special
On the three sides DN80 Φ957.0 1 # HX locomotive for sand special
angle head DN80 Φ957.0 90 ° 3 # HX sand
angle head DN80 Φ957.0 45 ° 2 # HX sand
angle head DN80 Φ957.0 40 ° 1 HX # H X
pipeline DN80 Φ957.0 L=3000 2 # HX locomotive for sand use
pipeline DN80 Φ957.0 L=6000 1 # HX locomotive for sand use
Fallan gasket AFM30 DN80 Φ146 Φ80.9 HX locomotive
Pipe ping valve assembly for sand equipment DN20
Four inspectors LLJ-B
Combustible gas detector ADKS-4
disc saw Diameter of 360mm and aperture of 40mm
Check the hammer handle X5D
Large hammer with wooden handle 3-4kg
universal joint 1 / 2, as in kind
pneumatic impact wrench 42GS
Long shaft gas trigger BQ16C6
quick fitting According to the physical
Spring duct 9mm * 5mm with quick joint (length of 9 m)
ammeter 69L11 150 / 5 AC
Microprobe (end surface) 0°、2.5MHZ、∅20
Special probe for the unloading tank 26°,∅16 4.3MHZ
6A System AT1 host JK11430B
Host motherboard JK11430B
Data collection board JK11430B
Host IFD board JK11430B
power-supply module JK11430B
power panel JK11430B
Host bottom board JK11430B
Host Indicator Board JK11430B