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2021-11-09 16:38      Click£ºtimes
Sensor clearance adjustment for purple copper gasket 75×50×0.5
Sensor clearance adjustment for purple copper gasket 75×50×0.7
Installation seat of exhaust valve TSK203-07-20-200
Air exhaust valve seat two-seater
The air valve cover is composed of 104 MSP104-23-00
Local valve rod reduction 104 HPb59-1 MSP104-10-30
Balanced valve spring Change the free height 45 ± 1.5 assembly load 49.29 ± 4.9 stainless steel
Obey ball iron liner 324214 4 O-Betiron (ADI)
Obey ball iron liner Class, 3,242,38 4
Obey ball iron liner 253525 5
Unit brake cylinder anti relief pads SP12
Gap regulator bellows Type J
Generator band 29,005 B in length of 2,850 m m
Diesel engine return pipe F6L912
starting dynamo 24V F6L912
Electric throttle actuator The YM-1 912 unit
Type V belt MTU183 12.5×1525
The coupler MTU183 YD320A
Water temperature switch MTU183
Three-phase combination table of power supply SATEC PM130-PLUS PM130P/PM130E/PM130EH
Pressure regulating board IFC5
Pressure regulating board IFC6
water temperature gage P/N 06431-00
thermometer P/N 06432-00
electric relay 3050692 3050692
Magnetic speed sensor 3034572 3034572
grease seal 3016794
ply-yarn drill 180372 180372
Emergency valve air cover 525150 Plastic
Emergency brake valve cover composition  
Emergency brake valve cover 330×150
Emergency brake valve cover 550150 Spray jection
toilet table 400130 25T Car TSK106-45-05-00
toilet table 26013080 Stainless steel
toilet table Type 300130 25 stainless steel
toilet table 54095 Stainless steel
Vanser (composed of wash rack) 28032 Eye distance
toilet table Type 400130 25 stainless steel
Time-lapse wash valve Dg15
Water meter valve handle M6×52 bakelite