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Normal Railway System >> Type ¢ó fastening system

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    Normal Railway System Type ¢ó fastening system Product Number£º Type ¢ó Product Name£º Type ¢ó fastening system Product Specifications£º Type ¢ó Product Notes£º Designed for 60 kg/m rail Product Class£º Normal Railway System Product Descri

Normal Railway System >> Type ¢ó fastening system

Product Number£º
Type ¢ó
Product Name£º
Type ¢ó fastening system
Product Specifications£º
Type ¢ó
Product Notes£º
Designed for 60 kg/m rail
Product Class£º
Normal Railway System

Product Description
    we has more than 30years experience in producing fastening systems for normal railway. Its products make a high level market share and covered all railway administrations and construction bureaus. It perennial supplies type I, II and III fastening systems, K type indirect fastening systems, fastening systems for wood sleepers, guard rail fastening systems for new type III concrete bridge sleepers. 

ÉÏһƪ£ºLight Railway System >> Type DJK5-1 Fastening System

ÏÂһƪ£º Normal Railway System >> Type II Fastening System
