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High Speed Railway >> Type WJ-7 fastening system

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    High Speed Railway Type WJ-7 fastening system Product Number£º WJ-7 Product Name£º Type WJ-7 fastening system Product Specifications£º WJ-7 Product Notes£º Passenger line speed: 350km/h£»Passenger and freight line: 250km/h. Product Class£º

High Speed Railway >> Type WJ-7 fastening system

Product Number£º
Product Name£º
Type WJ-7 fastening system
Product Specifications£º
Product Notes£º
Passenger line speed: 350km/h£»Passenger and freight line: 250km/h.
Product Class£º
High Speed Railway

Product Description

Type WJ-7 fastening system is designed for 60kg/m rail with ballastless slab (or sleeper without shoulder).

This fastening system meets the operation condition as following:

Passenger dedicated line with speed at 350km/h: axle load less than 170kN.

Passenger dedicated line with speed at 250km/h for passenger train (and freight train): maximum axle load is 230kN.

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